Saturday, February 21, 2009

Great friends

Had a great visiting day today at my home in Entebbe, and a fun day it was. First, my friends Terah & Christine where here in the morning and stayed all day and i always enjoy them. Christine makes the best meals and really has my kitchen shining when shes done.
Then, Liz and her sister came by to spend some time with me before i take off to America. We all had lunch together and the girls and i went swimming and had an early supper at the pool before returning to my place. Liz is Eden Revival's receptionist and we have become good friends in these last six months.
I am having guest coming to see me here in Entebbe every day until i fly out on Friday and i am liking that very much.
let me send some pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I keep coming back to "After years of doing so many things in my life wrong, I have finally decided to do what I should done years ago"'s my belief that what you did for years prepared you for what you are doing couldn't have happened years had to wait for the experiences. Also, what one does is not "wrong" but rather the best one can do with the information and experience they have and the place they are in at the time....and it is that "time" that creates the are a good man Mr. Norman...your sister looks forward to your visit.

